Guide för arbetsmiljöinspektörer om hygieniska gränsvärden, DNEL etc.
Europeiska kommissionen har publicerat en interimsguide för inspektörer. Guiden har gjorts av Senior Labour Inspector's Committee (SLIC) i England, Tyskland och Frankrike. Guiden beskriver hur Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs), Derived No Effect Levels (DNELs) och Derived Minimal Effect Levels (DMELs) slås fast och hur de kan användas på arbetsplatser.
Sammanfattningsvis kan man säga att det lägsta värdet ska vara styrande eftersom det rimligtvis kräver mer strikta skyddsåtgärder. Notera att när riskhanteringsåtgärderna som föreslås inte är tillräckliga för att hålla exponeringsnivån under OEL ska nedströmsanvändare kontakta leverantören och påpeka detta eftersom kemikaliesäkerhetsbedömningen kan behöva göras om.
Klipp från vägledningen:
"When a DNEL is lower than an OEL
The RMM to meet the DNEL should ensure that the OEL is also achieved. If the RMMs do not achieve the DNEL then the User should have contacted their supplier and ensured that their own OSH assessment identifies RMMs that allow them to control exposure below the OEL and bring them into compliance with the legal duties under OSH. Suppliers and Registrants will need to resolve the Issue with the quoted RMMs if they are not capable of achieving the DNEL. They will also have to review the DNEL.
When a DNEL is higher than an OEL
Users are required to control exposure to below the OEL by the OSH legislation. If the RMMs suggested by the supplier achieve DNELs but not the OEL because the DNEL is a higher limit then the user will still need to control exposure to below the OEL in order to comply with their duties under OSH.
Where both the DNEL and OEL is the same
Provided the RMM are effective at controlling exposure to below the DNEL they will also be controlling the level to below the OEL, however, as stated above OSH legislation will put the emphasis on collective measures and engineering control to achieve adequate exposure control so the user will still need to assess this to ensure compliance with their duties under OSH. As there are no OELs set for Skin absorption or ingestion the same issues do not arise in relation to DNELs. The DNELs for these exposure routes will be the primary limit used to assess the effectiveness of the RMMs and the control of exposure."
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