Paint & Coating Technology: Theory and Practice
Welcome to the fully updated and renewed course in Paint & Coating Technology: Theory and Practice! A comprehensive seven-day course for individuals seeking an in-depth understanding of paint and coating technology.
Paint is a complex chemical product with a lifecycle spanning development, manufacturing, application, aging, and repainting. This course provides a structured approach, beginning with fundamental knowledge of paint raw materials. It progresses through development, formulation, manufacturing, substrates, application and drying methods, analysis, testing and colour measurement.
Additionally, the course addresses fundamentals of surface chemistry, rheology, paint and surface defects, complaint handling, regulatory classification according to the EU CLP Regulation, occupational health and safety, transport of dangerous goods, and insights into functional paints and new technologies.
In addition to lectures, the course includes a half-day visit to a paint factory, group exercises and written examinations. The course will run for 9 days over the time 5 november to 4th of december at KTH in Stockholm.
The course is owned and administered by the Swedish Paint and Adhesive Association, SVEFF.
You find more information about the course and registration form via the the following link: